Saturday 5 September 2015

As I Understand The GITA-The Song Of The LORD

According to the interpretation of the different masters, the message of the Gita touches every aspect of our life. When the Lord was on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, he revealed the secrets of divine knowledge to his friend and disciple Arjuna who did not fail to follow in his footsteps. The very necessity of the knowledge of the Gita was born out of the compassion of a soldier who was redoubtable. Arjuna despite his valour and dauntless courage broke down and did not want to fight the battle because he betrayed an instinctive aversion for the motive of belligerence. Far from being driven by animosity, he was able to discover his relations in the men who had assembled on the battlefield and that explained his reluctance to kill them. He did not want to rule nor did he want to savor the taste of victory sans the men pitted against him as his adversaries. This gesture of the lieutenant of the Pandavas shows his humanity and compassion from an apparently worldly perspective but he is admonished by the master as he finds in this lethargy to shirk his duty. He takes him to task as he wants him to tread the path of his worldly duties- those of a soldier to restore peace to a land ravaged by the misrule of those who had deviated from the path of virtuosity.
 The insistence of the Lord on embracing the means essential for the fulfillment of the purpose intended is not suggestive of the passion of a war monger but the promotion of a great cause that culminates in redemption. He realized the heaviness of the emotions making Arjuna cumbersome and felt the need to enlighten him about the goals of life mortal and spiritual as a representative of mankind. The lord’s choice of the occasion of the battle to deliver the ultimate message of life filtered through the transparency of his wisdom is to highlight the climax of actions. Life faces an ordeal when a crisis deepens validating a battle as the only alternative. No matter how somber the situation looks, this is a climax of life; the good or bad is to be extracted from it. The soldiers gathered on the battlefield cannot spill blood until it has been revealed to Arjuna in general and his devotees in particular that death is not a way of obliteration but a process of transition with potential for evolution in a manner desirable or downgrade.
Arjunaj’s feeling of sorrow over the apparent action of killing his enemies, his relatives, in the battle is the result of his obsession with a life of ignorance that has bound him in the shackles of a life of illusions. When he turns to the Lord with tears in his eyes, unable to come to terms with the reality of setting in motion an order of poise without the enemies vitiating the atmosphere, he is an archetypal human being trapped in his delusion. The lord reaches out with compassion to retrieve what he feels is an ideal instrument to establish an order of goodness and virtuosity. But in an attempt not to mollify him, he chastises him with the purport of a divine cause to arouse the seer in him and to goad him to his cherished plan of action he has envisioned with far reaching consequences. He wants him to experience his, or for that matter, the universal conflict of man to know the limitations of life and extract from it the unalloyed spirit of renunciation to graduate to a life that is sanctified by the grace of god. Therefore Arjuna is a role model God chooses in each of his appellations to preach the message of divine perfection. When this plan of action is going to be enacted through the meticulous motivation of the lord, the keeper of the creation, Judhistira, an instrument of mortal life trapped in its follies, is a static witness to the story of action going to unfold to set things right.
The lord pities the man, Arjuna, who is bundle of nerves, though he is talking about his compassion for his kindred who he is supposed to kill. The Lord realizes it is time he allowed the treasures of divine knowledge to come tumbling out of the fountain of his creative impulse. Arjuna, the essential man with his limitations as the father of the race of men, listened to the incredible story of nonchalance with its myriad attributes, the battle of kurukshetra being the backdrop to it. The Lord urges him to reinvent himself to set his priorities and fulfill them with the kind of nonchalance that will guarantee his elevation to the state of divinity, the only desired goal of man blessed by God. The Lord helps Arjuna come out of the cocoon of his restricted existence to assimilate the essence of the knowledge he shares with the disciple mellow with his obeisance. Even as the Lord articulates his divine utterances, he pinpoints the blemishes in the character of the man before him. He wants him to rise above the pettiness of the kind of life he has lead so far to qualify for an engagement in the process of purification characteristic of the battle he is required to fight.
The Lord urges him to be indifferent to the immediacy of the action he is supposed to initiate and keep on doing his work without being influenced by the result of the action. The conscious attempt of the Lord to disengage him from an involvement in the forces of life with a parochial outlook on it is not a negation of mortal life but a glorification of the life perpetual. Even as he told him to give up moral compunction to do what should be the virtue of a man committed to the cause of life with the steadfastness of a kshatriya, he gradually unfolded to him the loftiness of a life of divine redemption. These were the circumstances under which the Lord decided to sing the song to an ardent devotee who had been enmeshed in the tentacles of his infatuation.

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